I'm not a writer, I was never good at English in school, maths and numbers always seemed to be my thing although I didn't exactly excel in that either. I'm 20 now and I still don't have a clue what I want to do with my life, I'm not sure what kind of career I want or what specific things I want to complete during my life; sometimes I feel like everyone else has got there lives planned and put together. I get stressed as though I'm behind on the planning of life, I should know what I want to do by now, right?

Becoming a mum at 19 wasn't something I ever planned on doing, I still to this day can't believe I have been blessed with the most incredible but also hardest job on earth. I think having a baby so young and unplanned has also thrown me off a lot when it comes to my future, because now that future isn't just mine. It's also his. I have to give him the best life I possibly can but I don't know how to do that just yet. Sometimes I think I put a lot more pressure on myself than what I should, I'm 20 and I'm a full time mum who is also working part time, 2 years ago I wouldn't of ever thought id be in this position. One thing I do know is that I am doing an incredible job, my baby is an absolute delight, his smile literally lights up my entire life. I don't know why I'm writing this and I'm not sure how long this blog will last but here goes, maybe this is the start of something that I love and feel passionate about. A lot of what I write on here is going to be personal, kind of like a diary, except I'm posting it on the internet. This is all a bit random and not very well put together but I think that's something I'll definitely improve on :) H x
